Hi everyone, back yet again, I'm really quite proud that I'm keeping on top of posting and managing to get something up each day :). So today I received my Graze box which I get every two weeks. If you live in the U.K. you are probably aware of what Graze boxes are as they are advertised on TV quite a lot. I started getting these probably around April/May time as I was trying to lose some weight in preparation for going on holiday and as I love to snack I thought these would be good healthy alternatives. So to start with I was getting these every week but since coming back from holiday I decided to get them once every two weeks as I feel like it's something to look forward to if I'm not getting them every week (makes sense in my mind haha). Also, a plus of when you sign up to these boxes is that you get to let them know about any foods you don't like and you can check off any snacks you think you won't like and you won't ever get any of those ones sent to you.

So this is what this week's Graze box looks like- it just got delivered this morning and I was so excited! So each time you receive a box it always comes with a little leaflet and each time I've got one it has sort of a theme for the box as a lot of subscription boxes have. This box's theme is Fibre which is a nutrient we all need as I'm sure you are aware of haha.
So inside the leaflet it just breaks down what is in each of the snacks you got in this box. It also gives you a little bit of info regarding the theme of the box- so obviously this one tells you about fibre, why we need it and what it helps, all that good stuff!
So in each box you always get four different snacks which are usually a mixture of sweet and savoury snacks. My favourite are always the sweet snacks as I have a sweet tooth. The savoury ones are also good too or at least the ones I have tried have always been delicious.
Summer Berry Flapjack
When I saw I got this snack I was so excited as sad as that may sound. This is my favourite Graze snack, I've had it twice before and loved it both times. It soooo nice, tastes so good and is nice to snack on when you just fancy something sweet or as a little treat after your dinner or tea. It includes rolled oats and berry infused cranberries (not too sure what that exactly means). This one is full of fibre and you can tell because of the little picture of the 'f' on the packaging, also obviously oats are a good source of fibre.
Toffee Apple
I've also received this one once before and the toffee sauce you get with it is divine- so good (if I hadn't mentioned it I think you would have been able to guess that I had a sweet tooth). This is basically just Granny Smith's apple pieces that have been dried out and you dip them in the toffee sauce. The good thing about this one is that you can either heat up the toffee sauce or just enjoy it cold. Last time I had this one I didn't heat it up so I might give it a go this time. Also this one only contains 74 calories, bonus!
Vanilla Cherry Frangipane
So these next two I have never had before so I can't give you my opinion on them but I love how you get to try something new each time you get one of these boxes. If you know me you will know that I am not very good at trying new things especially foods. So getting new snacks is a way of helping me try some new foods. This one includes cherries, almonds and vanilla seeds. I love almonds and cherries so I am sure I will enjoy this.
Pomodoro Rustichella
This was the only savoury snack in this box and I've never had this one before either. I've got a feeling a may enjoy this one because I absolutely love cheese and this one includes cheese croutons (every time I hear this word it makes me think of The Mighty Boosh and the song they make up about croutons), tomato baguettes and tomato and herb almonds. The only thing I'm a bit unsure about is the almonds because normally when I think of almonds I think of sweet things so I dunno how I feel about them being savoury- never know until I try them though I suppose!
So that was everything I got in this week's Graze box and I thought it would be nice to share with you what you get incase you were thinking about trying them. They are really quite affordable at £3.99 and you can sign up and look at different snacks you could get at
www.graze.com. I think currently you can only get them in the U.K. and the U.S. and on their website at the moment you can get your first box for half price or.... I've got some codes you can use to get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes free- kept the best bit till last. So I'll post below the photos with the codes on for you to use. If you do decide to use them I hope you enjoy your free box!
Much love,
Lucy x
Disclaimer: this post was not sponsored and I pay for the boxes with my own money. All opinions are my own as always :).