I really liked doing this series when I first started it so I thought I would bring it back especially as I'm trying a different approach... no surprise there then!
Last year I did so well and lost a stone in weight before my holiday to Greece and then I moved house, Christmas came and the weight crept back on. I stopped using my personal trainer not because I wanted to but bills have to be paid!
So when I stepped on the scales at Slimming World 5 weeks ago... I was shocked... Horrified more like! I have put on 2 stone in less than a year! That's bad!! The reason I joined slimming world was mainly because I had heard good things about it both off people I knew and from looking online and I need to lose weight! I really didn't know much about it apart from the very basics that I had gathered from what people had told me. I was nervous when I first went to my group, I was so worried I would be judged or made to feel guilty but that was the total opposite to what happened. My consultant is a lovely lady and makes you feel so positive and explains everything in a way that makes it easy to understand.
It's been 5 weeks now (I did have one week off as I was away) but if you follow my Instagram you would have seen I got my 1/2 stone award last night. I'm so chuffed! Especially as the week before I had put 1 pound on. I was so disappointed! I felt like crying and was really thinking about not staying for the class- basically the way it works is everyone gets weighed and then you have a Image Therapy class which is basically a group discussion about what's went well or not so well for people that week, what you might do differently and any recipes you've made which have been nice/easy. You have the choice you can just get weighed and go or you can stay for the class as well. I always thought I would just get weighed and go but I have been staying for the classes and I think they definitely motivate you and give you ideas, tips and tricks that should lead you to success. So yeah I was really thinking of not staying for the class when I had put on a pound because I was embarrassed and upset with myself (I know it's only a pound but I wasn't happy) but I forced myself to stay and the support I got really picked me up and made me feel better about the week ahead. And I've had a good week!
When you join you get a little pack which has all of the info you need in it and it's became like my bible. I literally have it with me every day! The first few weeks I needed it at every meal but now I'm getting more used to it, I still refer back to it but not for every single thing.
Personally I think Slimming World is easy to follow but is still really effective. I've seen such good results in such a short space of time and I'm excited about what's to come.
I dunno if I have mentioned it before but I love stationary and the fact that you get a folder and you get stickers and certificates when you hit goals really motivates me and I know that might sound sad but I love stuff like that!
I'll keep you updated with my progress through this series each week and how I find Slimming World and I might even share a SW recipe or two that I make!
I hope you've enjoyed reading and if you have tried Slimming World before I would love to know your thoughts! There will also be a make up post tomorrow so make sure you come back for that!
Lucy x
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